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Silt – v100 Build 1013

Silt – v100 Build 1013



无病毒 无外挂 绿色干净
Silt is a surreal underwater puzzle-adventure game. Alone in an underwater abyss, you are a diver searching the deep to uncover long-forgotten mysteries. Possess the creatures around you to solve puzzles and travel further into the darkness…

Nature has evolved into bizarre forms: Discover strange organisms, unexplored ruins and ancient machinery hidden beneath the water’s surface.

Survive encounters with giant deep-sea goliaths: Harness their power to awaken a long-dormant force at the centre of the abyss.

Experience art brought to life: Silt’s unsettling, monochrome world is constructed from the sketches and dark imagination of artist Mr Mead. A harrowing journey awaits you…

  • 类型:动作游戏ACT
  • 版本:v1.2
  • 大小:3GB
  • 平台: Win
  • 更新时间:2022-10-08



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